■1992년 설립
■주요생산품목 ; TV송신기 및 Gap filler 부분의 개발 및 생산
■2008년 COMSA-EMTE 그룹(스페인 2nd 그룹사)의 Systems and Technology business unit으로 합병
■위치 : Technology Park of Galicia in Ourense, Spain
■EGATEL 설비의 60%는 연구/개발 부분
■전체직원의 25%가 R&D 엔지니어(직원수:800명)
■스페인의 메인 DTV송신기
■모든 송신기가 스페인의 Egatel 공장에서 생산되며, 자체적인 개발 디자인 적용
■효율적이고 앞서 있는 설계 및 시뮬레이션 기술 보유
■자체 PCB 공장: Multi-layer PCB 생산 및 가장 우수한 pick&place 설비 보유
■전세계 시장에서 2014년 기준 75% 성장
제품 라인업
■Digital TV (Air cooled Transmitters and Gap fillers):
●DVB-T/-H/-T2: 1 Wrms to 3.6 kWrms
●ATSC: 1 Wrms to 6.1 kWrms
●High Efficiency Transmitters Series (HET Series) – TUH3000
●Wideband - High Efficiency Transmitters Series (WHET Series) – TUWH4000
■Digital TV (Liquid cooled High Power Transmitters):
●DVB-T/-H/-T2 : 1.5 kWrms a 12.5 kWrms
●ATSC: 2 kWrms a 19.5 kWrms
●High Efficiency Transmitters Series (HET Series) – TLE6800
●Wideband - High Efficiency Transmitters Series (WHET Series) – TLWH7800
■Analogue TV (Transmitters / Gapfillers):
●UHF: 1 Wrms to 16 kWrms
●VHF (Band III): 5 Wrms to 4 kWrms
■DAB / DAB+ (Transmitters / Gapfillers in Band III): 10 Wrms to 1 kWrms
Micro Series
Compact Series
Midium/ High
Air Coooling
Midium/ High
Liquid Coooling
MTD7000 / TV Micro transmittes : Low power
TE8000 Series / Low power
■Exciter + Amplifier in a single box of 2U
■Multi standard
■Transmitter + Re transmitter
■UHF and VHF Bands
■출력: 1.25, 2.5, 6 & 12.5Wrms.
Advanced Features:
■ASI, TSoIP and RF Inputs
■Digital Adaptive Pre correction
■강력하고 직관적인 Web GUI
■Integrated QoS analyzer
■송신기 또는 중계기로 사용
■DVB-T/H and DVB-T2
■출력(before the filter): ): 0.3, 1.25, 2.5, 6 & 12 Wrms
■Low energy consumption
■TSoIP inputs
■Non-linear Digital Precorrection
■Digital Adaptive Precorrection: (MTD7050 / MTD7100)
■Integrated QoS analyser
■Optimum cooling design
■N+1 Configuration
■강력하고 직관적인 Web GUI
■Optional redundant power supply
■CCU7000 Control Unit (opt.): 20 채널까지 관리
■Remote control: GSM modem and 3G (CCU7000), floating contacts, SNMP agent and Web server
■Configurations: standard 19” rack, outdoor cabinet, etc.
TE9000 Series / Modulator
■Multi-standard modulator:
■입력단 Seamless 스위칭
■TSoIP input to manage ASI streams through IP networks
■Integrated QoS analyser
■강력하고 직관적인 Web GUI
■웹서버를 통한 Linear and non-linear Precorrection
■우수한 기능의 DAP(Digital Adaptive Precorrection)
■Remote control via Dry contacts, SNMP, Web Server
■원격 소프트웨어 업그레이드
TUWH3000 / Low power - Air(Wide Band-High Efficency)
■주파수 범위 : 470~800MHz(resolution : 1Hz)
■출력(before the filter)::
●DVB-T/H/T2, ISDB-T/TB, ATSC : 300 Wrms.
■Exciter(TE9000ES): 1개(1U). Amplifier(AUWH301): 1개(2U)
■N+1 redundancy ready with CCU9000
■Amplifiers with the latest generation of LDMOS 50 Volt. transistor technology with high power density
■Digital Adaptive Precorrection
■Optional regenerative transposer functionality
■듀얼 드라이브 및 N+1 구성 지원
■Web GUI 및 software upgrades(전면 이더넷 포트)
■Dry Contacts, SNMP, Web server를 통한 원격 제어
TUH3000 시리즈 : Medium / High power – Air (HET Series)
■High energy efficiency – Up to 42%
■Power amplifiers based on LDMOS-50 volt. technology with high power density in Doherty configuration
■Power range:
●COFDM: 600 to 3000 Wrms
●ATSC: 700 Wrms to 3,5 kWrms
■Multiple transmitters per rack
■Power amplifiers with redundant power supplies and comfortable access through the front panel for an easy replacement
■Compact design for ease of maintenance and installation in confined space
■Optimal design of the cooling system. Amplifiers with full protection against corrosion
■Digital adaptive precorrection
■Powerful and friendly Web Graphical User Interface (Web GUI) for controlling and monitoring the transmitters
■Dual Drive and N+1 Configurations
600Wrms AUH601 Amplifier
TUWH4000 시리즈: Medium / High power – Air (WHET Series)
■High energy efficiency – Up to 42%
■Power amplifiers based on LDMOS-50 volt. technology with high power density in Wideband-Doherty configuration.
■Power range:
●COFDM: 600 Wrms to 3.6 kWrms
●ATSC: 1070 Wrms to 6.1 kWrms
■Multiple transmitters per rack
■Power amplifiers with redundant power supplies and comfortable access through the front panel for an easy replacement
■Compact design for ease of maintenance and installation in confined space
■Optimal design of the cooling system. Amplifiers with full protection against corrosion
■Digital adaptive precorrection
■Powerful and friendly Web Graphical User Interface (Web GUI) for controlling and monitoring the transmitters
■Dual Drive and N+1 Configurations